You are invited to join a contest that gives you a chance to get promotional exposure for the amazing work you do and also earn $$hundreds$$ in prize money.

There’s no better time than now to share your work with us as we engage our communities to collaborate on fresh ideas and some friendly competition. The earlier you submit, the better your chances to win. Contest ends on April 15th.

Contest Rules:

1.  Email pictures to [email protected] or upload onto our website through this link giving us authority to use the images you send for promotional purposes.

2. Like, Follow and Share to engage with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Houzz, or LinkedIn.

3. The submissions with the most engagement on our pages will win the biggest prize.

4. We reserve the final right to decide where there is subjectivity to selecting a winner.

Prize Categories:

The first 5 publish-worthy application photos
will each be awarded a $20 Amazon Gift Card

The top 5 most clever, innovative, and share-worthy application photos
will each be awarded a $50 Amazon Gift Card

The most unique application photo
will be awarded a $100 Amazon Gift Card

The most photos of different projects featuring WAC Landscape Lighting
will be awarded a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Share a list of projects and locations
that are deserving to be professionally photographed
for a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card


The top submissions from all of the above will be shared on our official
Facebook and Instagram pages
– the post with the most likes and shares will win $500!