Human Rights

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.

At WAC Lighting, we believe all people are equally entitled to fundamental human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. WAC Lighting is committed to the protection and advancement of human rights and has set high standards within our company-owned China-based manufacturing campus that sets us apart as an Employer of Choice.

WAC Lighting respects and promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) directives that establish international human and labor rights. We are committed to the people who help us manufacture our products and the quality of their lives and communities. Our Human Rights Policy helps us ensure fair, safe, non-discriminatory workplaces in all of our locations, and to create positive change in the communities surrounding them.


Child Labor

WAC Lighting believes children are our future and we encourage all of our children to pursue personal advancement through formal education. We protect and promote social and economic justice for our workers and restrict children under the age of 18 from working in any of our facilities around the globe, above and beyond the requirements of international child labor laws.


Quality of Life

WAC Lighting promotes a better quality of life for all employees through professional advancement, family healthcare, and continuing education. We provide scholarships and other incentives to help employees achieve their goals, and promote their pursuit of happiness in their professional and personal lives free of want for basic necessities.



As a world-class lighting company, WAC Lighting upholds a standard of safety exceeding the basic requirements as set by codes and regulations. WAC Lighting maintains that standard in the workplace by providing a safe and healthy environment based on the recognized standards of the ILO, OSHA and national laws. Employees continually receive education on the latest advancements in workplace safety and employee well-being throughout our global operations.



Beyond our compliance with all applicable laws and industry practices surrounding the employment relationship, WAC Lighting is committed to being an “Employer of Choice” within the communities around all our locations around the globe. We share a mutual understanding of respect and dignity for our personal freedoms and appreciate the right people have in choosing where they want to work.


Harassment and Violence

WAC Lighting does not condone harassment, violence or discrimination of any kind. Diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion are this firm’s core values and they strengthen our workforce to effectively serve our diverse range of customers, recruit the best talent, and stimulate an environment of maximum productivity and harmony.






People are the essence of our company and we recognize that the true strength of our company lies in our associates. That is why WAC Lighting has structured our business around human connections, community involvement and the celebration of different cultures. Creating a diverse workplace for women, minorities and people from all backgrounds isn’t just something we talk about. We do it.

We are committed to celebrate our differences and to respect individuals; the strength of this commitment leads us to one inclusive culture. Each individual needs to recognize this culture, respecting, caring and cooperating with each other. Our culture is team oriented; it provides the opportunity for everyone associated with WAC Lighting to be successful as we strive to be a leader in the lighting industry. Creating this inclusive culture not only is the right thing to do, but is just good business practice.