W Track Flangeless Recessed Track Current Limiter - Right

Specifications Limited Availability, Consult Factory

Limited Availability, Consult Factory Order Number:
model & voltage flange/flangeless amperage finish
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 1/2A - (2 x 0.5A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 1/2A - (2 x 0.5A) WT - White
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 10A - (2 x 10A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 10A - (2 x 10A) WT - White
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 1A - (2 x 1A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 1A - (2 x 1A) WT - White
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 2A - (2 x 2.5A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 2A - (2 x 2.5A) WT - White
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 5A - (2 x 5A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 5A - (2 x 5A) WT - White
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 7A - (2 x 7.5A) BK - Black
WEDR - 120 VAC RTL 7A - (2 x 7.5A) WT - White


  • Power: Max Per Circuit: 1200W, Max Per Circuit: 120W, Max Per Circuit: 300W, Max Per Circuit: 600W, Max Per Circuit: 60W, Max Per Circuit: 900W
  • Input: 120 VAC, 50/60Hz
  • Heavy duty architectural grade track with two independently controllable circuits.
  • Operating Current: Each circuit is rated 20A (2 x 20A = 40A max)
  • Easy to install and assures compliance to energy codes such as California Title 24 or ASHRAE 90.1 requirements in terms of power density
  • If the track is overloaded the current limiter circuit breaker will trip and shut down power to the track
  • May be reset when the overall sum of fixture wattages are reduced below the circuit breaker rating
